Langham Place / Hong kong in general
1st time visitor so I need all your help to know what to pack / buy for my 10 day trip in November, I can%26#39;t find anything about dress code within the hotel on the reviews.
what to pack??
for what to expect weather wise and to give you an idea of what to wear during those times go to:
going to posh places - smart casual
everything else- whatever makes you feel comfy
what to pack??
comfortable walking shoes.
weather should be cool by november, no need for jackets.
Dress code? It depends on what you%26#39;re doing in Hong Kong. If you%26#39;re in business meetings, then you%26#39;d need to dress up (I guess?)
For normal activities, you can wear jeans and a t-shirt and you%26#39;d be fine in most places (some places may require a slightly better dress)
November in Hong Kong should be decently warm (compared to Scotland. I%26#39;d probably check the weather to see what you are comfortable with.
thanks for these replies
:L :L
Pretty much anywhere is warmer than Scotland in November!! Hence the need to start buying/thinking bout what I should pack now because the shops don%26#39;t sell t-shirts etc for long LOL
The link from 5678 is really useful - really appreciated!
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