Wednesday, April 25, 2012

child cares, kindergartens

I need to go to Anhui Hospital for 10 weeks to complete an interneship in Chinese Medicine. I have a 3 year old and a one and a half year old. I would love to send my 3 year old to a kindy to learn mandarin, he has been learning since he was one. I am nervous about sending him to a foreign knidy. Does anyone have experience with kindergartens in Hefei - AnHui province for 2-5 year olds. Are there any international kindergartens where they can speak english as well? NATALIE

child cares, kindergartens


I would love to help, yet..%26#39;kindergartens where they can speak english as well%26#39; has got to be in Hefei, Anhui, right?

I know a couple of nice kindergartens in Beijing.

child cares, kindergartens

I suspect it might not be easy to find kindergartens with English language as the medium of education, in Hefei.

Reason being that it%26#39;s not a expat-heavy city like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, where there%26#39;s a sizable demand for what you%26#39;re looking for. Thus no supply.

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